
The PTA Committee consists of members of Springfield Convent School Parents and Members of staff all working together to assist the School in non-academic or management projects. The object of the PTA is set out below:

  • Promote and foster open communication and co-operation among staff, students, parents and the School Board of Governors.
  • Review the resources of the school and where these can be in any way improved upon, do all in its power to promote and assist such improvement. This assistance includes the raising of the necessary funds which may be required by the Board and I or the Principals in the provision I acquisition of facilities required by the school and I or the defraying of any expenditure considered to be for the benefit, directly or indirectly of the students.
  • Maintain close harmony with the Board in accordance with its own constitution and the constitution of the Board. The Association shall at regular intervals liaise with the Board to discuss the needs of the school and to establish priorities in fundraising and expenditure.
  • Maintain close harmony with School Management through the system of the Class Representatives. The Class representatives form a portfolio within the Association. The Class Representatives of the Senior School and Junior School will create, maintain and monitor close links with the respective Principals with the object of sharing both the needs of the Schools and any communication of a general nature from the parents.

Springfield Convent School PTA


Sr Rosemary Dominican Sisters representative
Brandon Paulse Principal Junior School
Geoff Quinn Senior School Principal
Bronwyn Jansen Deputy Senior School
Gillian Stubbs Head of RE/Foundation Phase
Diane Viljoen Head of Preschool
Garth Andrews Estate Manager
Penny Boock Marketing
Chris Baff PTA Chairman
Tamlyn Brink PTA Vice-Chair
Helen Stabrey Head of Class Reps
Chantel vd Heever Treasurer
Michelle Tuscher PTA Member
Renee Barry PTA Member
Steven Borwick PTA Member
Megan Grey PTA Member
Tobre Marais PTA Member
Karen Segers Past Pupils